About Us

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy

To promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government; to render such other services in the interest of education in citizenship as may be possible; and to do every act appropriate or necessary to carry out any of the foregoing objects.

What Does the League Do Now?

The League of Women Voters is a people’s organization that works to improve government and engage Americans in decisions that will affect their lives. We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but we are political.

LWV Licking County provides many voter and community services such as:

  • Registers voters in area high schools, colleges, and underserved populations in the community.
  • Offers online voter information and campaign guides (Vote411.org).
  • Leads post-card campaigns.
  • Promotes Sunshine Laws and good governance.
  • Hosts nonpartisan issue forums.
  • Hosts nonpartisan candidate forums.
  • Facilitates mentorship programs.
  • Hosts educational events.
  • Collaborates with community groups to influence elected officials.
  • Takes positions of public policy and lobby for policy change.
  • Encourages membership to lobby through action alerts.
League of Women Voters in action
people hold protest signs


The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of Licking County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

The League of Women Voters of Licking County sprang to life in August 2017 at a general meeting in Newark, Ohio attended by about 40 women and men.  It welcomes anyone in the county who wants to learn about political issues and support the democratic process through civic discourse, voter registration, and voter education.

Founded by Carrie Chapman Catt in 1920 and rooted in the movement for women’s suffrage, the League is a national nonpartisan political organization.  It remains staunchly nonpartisan with regard to political party and individual candidates, but it practices education and advocacy on a variety of political and social issues such as protecting voter rights. including redistricting reform; promoting affordable health care, including women’s reproductive health; and supporting policies that protect natural resources and mitigate climate change.

The League is not entirely new in Licking County.  Previously, it thrived for decades as the Licking County League of Women Voters (compare the wording to our current name), but disbanded in the 1990s.  Now after more than 20 years it reappears to address the challenges and opportunities of a new political era.

Find out more: LWVO.org; LWVUS.org

Voter registration
Voter Registration

Meet Our Team


Mary Tuominen, President

Linda Scott, Vice President

Karen Semer, Secretary

Mary Lee Van Meter, Treasurer

Board of Directors

Laura Joseph

Susan Studer King

Nannette Maciejunes

Aimee Sanders

Linda Scott

Mary Lee Van Meter

Pam Wilson

Committee Chairs

Communication: Mary Tuominen

Observers Collaborative:  Karen Semer & Sarah Finke-Fyffe

Membership Data: Mary Tuominen

Budget & Finance: Mary Lee Van Meter

Website: Susan Studer King

Social Events: Aimee Sanders and Mary Tuominen 

Voter Services/Vote 411: Laura Joseph & Aimee Sanders

Voter Registration:  Linda Scott and Nannette Maciejunes

Nominating: Rita Kipp

Social Media: Emily Vermillion

Join the League

voter registration table
League Voter Registration

The League:

  • Was re-established in 2017, is open to men and women, is non-partisan, and is highly respected community-based organizations;
  • Gets members involved in the critical issues that affect families and communities through civil discussions and positive action;
  • Offers opportunities to develop new skills and become informed voters on important issues;
  • Brings people together to act on shared concerns, build support networks, defend democracy, and develop lasting friendships.
  • League Members can be involved in voter registration, candidate forums, postcard campaigns, outreach to underserved communities, observer corps, mentoring, etc.

What do you get as a League member?

You automatically become a member of:

  • LWV of Licking County
  • LWV of Ohio
  • LWV of the United States.
  • Can participate in all LWVO and LWVUS advocacy and events
  • You will receive publications and email updates about important events and legislative action. You will also be adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states.

How much time does it take?

It’s up to you.  You can support the League only with your annual dues or you can become actively involved by participating in meetings, activities, outreach,  action events, voting on elected officials, and developing issue positions through group study and action.

For Students:  

In particular, students can help with: 

  • Registering new voters at your school or college campus
  • Helping with candidate debates or forums; organizing a student debate on your campus
  • Educating students about how and where to vote
  • Serving as a poll worker to ensure election integrity

When you join the League, you will be a member at all levels – local, state, and national. Dues are sliding scale, with a recommended rate of $75 per person.

Voter Registration crew
Women's march